Designs that will stand the test of time with real presence and a durability you will never tire of. The more Glenroyal products are used and polished, the more character for you to admire and appreciate; this is the reason our customers use their chosen items as long as they do. Create your own tailor-made Glenroyal item.
You can personalize orders for items made from the heart of Glenroyal: our bridle leather. Select from 31 of the most popular models of bags, wallets, and stationery items.
Our leather comes in 10 colours and our stitching thread in 10 matching colours and 1 natural colour. Wallets can be made in 2 colours of leather and stitching or logo colours. Enjoy choosing your favourite colour combination.
You can also select the colour of the logo. You can also select gold or silver for any embossing on a personal order, or select from three types of press fastener finished without colouring.